






The Fall of Kaneyama Castle

¡¡¡¡With Lord Yoshiaki growing more powerful by the day, there was scarce a lord in the domain who did not submit to his rule. However, in the Sakenobe region, which lay on the outskirts of the domain, there was a lord by the name of Sasaki Tenzen who occupied Kaneyama Castle and showed no inclination to yield to Lord Yoshiaki¡Çs command. When a messenger was dispatched to Tenzen, instructing him to present himself in Yamagata without delay, Tenzen was greatly incensed.
¡¡¡¡¡ÈFrom the days of old, no member of the Sasaki family has ever submitted to the Mogami family in Yamagata – why should we do so now? Lord Yoshiaki may have grown mighty in power, but it is unthinkable that I should disgrace the honorable family name by surrendering to him.¡É
¡¡¡¡¡ÈTenzen is but a youth in his sixteenth year, and it should be an easy enough matter to overcome him,¡É said Lord Yoshiaki upon hearing of Tenzen¡Çs intransigence, and, leading a large force, he set off for Kaneyama Castle. When he and his men had neared their destination, they set fire to the surrounding lands and then retreated quickly, setting up camp outdoors that night. They pressed forward the next day before daybreak, and Lord Yoshiaki mounted a tall mountain in the vicinity so he could observe the situation of the castle for himself.
¡¡¡¡Rugged cliffs rose on three sides of the castle, making an approach from those directions unfeasible, while the broad Sakegawa River bordered the castle on the remaining side. These geographical advantages made the castle quite secure and unassailable, and it was concluded that it would be impossible to bring this castle down by force. A starvation tactic was adopted instead, and the Mogami force proceeded to impose a tight siege on the castle. Intentionally leaving only the Sakegawa River side open, siege castles were constructed on the other three sides, and the Mogami soldiers dug ditches and built palisades around the mountain base. The Mogami force then settled down to wait for the food supplies within the castle to run out, and Lord Yoshiaki would himself visit the siege castles and reassure the Sakenobe inhabitants that all would be well, taking time out for falconry or other sport on days when the weather was fine.
¡¡¡¡While Kaneyama Castle had its own water well, this single well was not enough to supply the water needs of the men within, and secret nightly expeditions were made to gather water from the mountain streams. Catching wind of this, the Mogami soldiers commenced to lay an ambush of men from the early evening each night, and while the water gatherers would emerge as usual, none would return alive. Tenzen realized that he could not allow this to go on, and one night he dispatched a group of water gatherers with a unit of over a hundred stalwart soldiers following stealthily behind. Quite unaware of this, the Mogami ambush surrounded what they assumed was the usual group of water gatherers. They were preparing to move in for the kill when they suddenly found some hundred enemy soldiers, divided into two parties, descending upon them with swords extended, and the startled Mogami soldiers were easily routed, scrambling over each other in their haste to flee. A Mogami warrior by the name of Takeda Hyōgo happened to be positioned nearby, and when he saw what was happening, he immediately leapt upon his horse and rode out to meet the enemy single-handedly. He cut two or three enemy soldiers down from their horses, sending sparks flying in the fury of his attack, but none of his retainers arrived to fight alongside him, and the large enemy force soon had him surrounded on all sides. He suffered three deep gashes, and when he finally fell, the enemy soldiers cut off his head and impaled it on the end of a sword, raising a cry of victory as they retreated back into the castle.
¡¡¡¡By this point the Mogami side had at last become aware of the commotion, and reinforcements rode out to offer support, but when they arrived to find the enemy already safely ensconced within their castle, they were forced to return, deflated, to their original positions.
¡¡¡¡Lord Yoshiaki was quite enraged to hear what had happened. ¡ÈThis is a castle that cannot possibly hold out against us for more than a month or two,¡É he said, ¡Èbut by putting ourselves at risk for a matter of little consequence, we have allowed the enemy to achieve a victory over us. From this point on, I forbid any of the men to venture beyond our defenses.¡É
¡¡¡¡As expected, the food supplies in the castle gradually began to dwindle, and cows and horses were being slaughtered for food when the castle garrison grew restless. ¡ÈRather than allowing ourselves to simply starve to death,¡É they said, ¡Èit is not better that we fight and die honorably while we still have the strength left to do so?¡É They opened the main castle gate and sallied forth in a body, but in line with Lord Yoshiaki¡Çs orders, not a single one of the Mogami soldiers ventured beyond the palisades, instead remaining back with bowmen and arquebusiers, several ranks deep, at the ready. Realizing that any attempt to breach the Mogami defenses and tear down the palisades would simply make them easy targets to be picked off one by one, the enemy soldiers returned to the castle in defeat. There were diverging opinions as to what should be done next, but then a vassal by the name of Zushonosuke stepped forward to speak. ¡ÈThough we may continue to entrench ourselves within this castle, there is no hope of victory for us here. Lord Tenzen, however, is still young, and there is much for your lordship to accomplish in the future. I have observed that Lord Yoshiaki has left the Sakegawa River border of our castle undefended, and I propose that we use this route to retreat to Shōnai for the time being.¡É
¡¡¡¡His proposal was accepted, and that evening the entire enemy force piled into boats to escape into the domain of the Ignoble Lord, as he was so known, of Shōnai. When the Mogami night sentries observed what was happening, they hurried to report the news to the head encampment.
¡¡¡¡¡ÈThe soldiers of the castle garrison are making their escape tonight. Voices can be heard on the Sakegawa River, and the light of many torches may be seen.¡É Upon hearing the report of the sentries, Lord Yoshiaki showed little surprise. ¡ÈI had expected this,¡É he said, ¡Èbut I have an idea in mind, so if they wish to escape, allow them to do so.¡É
¡¡¡¡The night passed, silent and still, and when the Mogami force advanced on the castle the next morning before daybreak, they found it devoid of any human presence, with only four or five gaunt horses left behind. Realizing what had taken place, the Mogami soldiers rued the opportunity that had been missed. ¡ÈWith no food supplies remaining,¡É they said, ¡Èthe enemy would not have had the strength to put up a resistance, and it would have been easy enough to take the castle. It is indeed deplorable that we failed to finish them off when we had the chance.¡É
¡¡¡¡¡ÈI myself was well aware of the situation,¡É said Lord Yoshiaki, addressing his men, ¡Èbut Tenzen is a skilled warrior in his own right, in addition to being a member of the noble Sasaki family. I have spared his life and allowed him to make his escape in the hopes that we may in time be able to turn him to our side. I presume that he has fled to the protection of Mutō Mitsuyasu of Shōnai, he who they call the Ignoble Lord.¡É His lordship was quite correct, for after the Ignoble Lord met his downfall, Tenzen surrendered himself to Ujiie Owari no Kami and went forth to Yamagata to enter the service of Lord Yoshiaki. Proving himself to be a man of sharp wits in addition to valor, the domain of Sakenobe was eventually returned to him, and he was given the title Sakenobe Echizen no Kami and later appointed a regent of the Mogami clan.



The Extraordinary Strength of Nobesawa Noto no Kami

¡¡¡¡Lord Yoshiaki was well acquainted with the tales told of the uncommon strength of his vassal Nobesawa Noto no Kami, but one day he took it into his head to put this reputation to the test. From among his personal attendants and other retainers, he selected seven or eight of his most powerful men, and, garbed in light kimono, Lord Yoshiaki and this small band of men set off for Noto no Kami¡Çs residence. When word of their approach reached the ears of Noto no Kami, he readied himself and went out alone into the great garden which lay outside a large room of his residence, waiting impatiently for the arrival of his guests. This took place during the seventh month, on the night of the full moon, and the scene was so flooded with moonlight that it seemed brighter even than midday.
¡¡¡¡Reaching their destination, the seven or eight men accompanying Lord Yoshiaki – all of them at the peak of their physical prowess – ran quickly into the garden where Noto no Kami awaited them. When one and then another of them attempted to catch hold of Noto no Kami, he seized them with his hands and tossed them a distance of some thirteen or fourteen meters. Seeing that they were singly no match for him, the remaining four or five men set on Noto no Kami as one, surrounding him on all sides and grappling with him as they attempted to wrestle him to the ground. However, Noto no Kami had not earned his reputation for naught. He used his arms and legs to pull and fling them down easily, and then he turned on Lord Yoshiaki. The scene he had just witnessed left his lordship in no doubt that his own strength would be no match for the other man¡Çs, and he took to his heels without even a single glance behind him. When Noto no Kami overtook him and seized him from behind, his lordship must have been at a loss for what to do, for he grabbed hold of the trunk of a withered cherry tree, some seventy-five centimeters in diameter, and held on for dear life. Noto no Kami mustered all of his strength to pull Lord Yoshiaki away from the tree, but his lordship clung even more tightly. As this powerful struggle continued, the earth surrounding the base of the tree began to give way, and the tree was suddenly wrenched from the soil, roots and all. Not even Noto no Kami had anticipated this outcome, and he released Lord Yoshiaki in his surprise.
¡¡¡¡In a high good humor, his lordship addressed Noto no Kami. ¡ÈYour strength far surpasses even the tales that are told of it,¡É his lordship said. ¡ÈOn that occasion when our army attempted to take Tendō while you still defended it, it is hardly surprising that you were able to sweep us up and send us packing on your own!¡É He bade Noto no Kami accompany him back to his castle, where he bestowed upon him many rich rewards. From that time forth, Noto no Kami was known by all the people in the domain as a man whose strength was indeed second to none.



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The Death of Mitsukane

¡¡¡¡After the battle of Mount Kashiwagi, Lord Yoshiaki summoned Ujiie Owari no Kami and Irago Sōgyū.
¡¡¡¡¡ÈWe are fortunate indeed that the battle has ended and Terumune has withdrawn,¡É his lordship said, ¡Èbut is this not the ideal opportunity for us to press on towards Kaminoyama and put an end to Mitsukane? The Kaminoyama force was badly routed at the battle of Mount Kashiwagi, and the loss of Terumune has them disheartened. They have lost their nerve, and it should be easy enough to take them on now.¡É
¡¡¡¡Ujiie moved forward and spoke. ¡ÈYour lordship has spoken truly. However, among Mitsukane¡Çs long-serving vassals are Satomi Kuranosuke, Satomi Minbu, and Satomi Echigo – three warriors well-known for their exceptional valor – and among even the ordinary soldiers there are many who have distinguished themselves with manifold feats of heroism, so we cannot expect to overcome the Kaminoyama garrison easily. If enough time passes, Lord Terumune will undoubtedly come to Mitsukane¡Çs aid once again, and this would complicate things for us. I believe that our best option in this case is to employ a scheme that will allow us to take Mitsukane down without the use of military force. There is a man who can help us carry out such a plan – a priest who is the younger brother of one of my most trusted vassals. He maintains a temple in Kaminoyama and is in the habit of frequenting Kuranosuke and Minbu, and when I have asked him in confidence to tell me about the character of these two men, he says that while the elder brother Kuranosuke is a model of unswerving rectitude, the younger brother Minbu – although certainly possessed of skills in battle the likes of which are seldom seem – is a man more interested in furthering his position in the world. If we approach him with a letter that promises him a generous fiefdom, he should not hesitate to join us, and with Minbu on our side, it will be easy enough to deal with Mitsukane.¡É
¡¡¡¡¡ÈIt is a wise plan,¡É said Lord Yoshiaki upon hearing Ujiie¡Çs proposal. ¡ÈLet us first use this priest to gauge the interest of the Satomi brothers, and we can dispatch a letter subsequently.¡É
¡¡¡¡¡ÈOwari no Kami has proposed a most excellent strategy,¡É Sōgyū concurred, ¡Èone that should bring us success without overmuch difficulty.¡É With Sōgyū¡Çs approval, Lord Yoshiaki was all the more convinced of the merits of this plan.
¡¡¡¡With the matter thus settled, Owari no Kami summoned the aforementioned priest. With Sōgyū, he carefully instructed the priest in what he was to do, and then instructed him to proceed to Kaminoyama.
¡¡¡¡As the priest was in the habit of associating with the Satomi brothers on a regular basis, he had come to be on friendly terms with them, and the two brothers would often engage him in conversation. One day, the priest spoke to Kuranosuke as follows:
¡¡¡¡¡ÈAs you know, my elder brother is in the service of Ujiie Owari no Kami, and yesterday, a messenger arrived with news from him that Lord Yoshiaki intends to make an assault upon Kaminoyama. As this will throw the region into turmoil, he warned that ordinary folk like myself should prepare ourselves for this eventuality. Until now, Mitsukane had always turned to Lord Terumune of Sendai in his hour of need, but with the accord that was struck between Lord Yoshiaki and Lord Terumune after the recent battle of Mount Kashiwagi, there are no longer any allies to help defend Kaminoyama if it comes under attack, and the castle is sure to fall. If this were to happen, it would no doubt mean the end of the Satomi clan as well, which would be a most grievous turn of events. Would it not be wise to make arrangements to avoid such a possibility before the enemy arrives?¡É
¡¡¡¡Kuranosuke listened closely to the priest¡Çs words. ¡ÈAs you have said, it is true that Lord Yoshiaki has been reconciled with Lord Terumune of Sendai, and we now have no allies to come to our aid. In addition, our castle does not have the capacity to withstand the assault of a large force, and it would no doubt fall in a matter of days. However, it would be most ignoble of a warrior to desert the master his family has served for long generations in an attempt to save his own skin. For me, there is no road left but to prepare to die in defense of my duty.¡É
¡¡¡¡Realizing that there was little chance of convincing a man such as Kuranosuke to change sides, the priest decided to push the matter no further, instead electing to pay a visit to Minbu at the next possible opportunity. He repeated to Minbu that which he had said to Kuranosuke, but unlike Kuranosuke, Minbu did not hesitate to air his grievances over the situation.
¡¡¡¡¡ÈPitted against the great army of Lord Yoshiaki,¡É he said, ¡Èthe small force defending Kaminoyama would fall before the end of a single day. Even if Lord Terumune were still willing to come to our aid, we are a considerable distance from his domain, and there would be little he could do for us in the event of a sudden attack. And now that he has allied himself with Lord Yoshiaki, the downfall of the Kaminoyama clan is surely but a matter of time. What is more, Lord Yoshiaki is renowned as a leader who embodies the three virtues of wisdom, benevolence, and courage, and none of the lords of this region would dare challenge him. Knowing this, I have repeatedly urged Mitsukane to submit to Yoshiaki¡Çs rule, but he has consistently refused to listen. To die in vain for such a master would be a humiliating end, but if I were instead to establish myself as an ally of Lord Yoshiaki – which would allow me to raise the reputation of my family and do honor to my ancestors – there would still be none who called me faithful, but instead a dishonorable man who gave himself to the enemy. This too would be unbearable, and there seems no resolution to the predicament in which I find myself.¡É
¡¡¡¡Minbu unburdened himself in great detail to the priest, who was pleased at what he heard. ¡ÈEven if Lord Mitsukane is fated to meet his ruin because he fails to heed your counsel,¡É the priest said, ¡Èthe perpetuation of the noble Satomi clan would be a source of comfort to all, including ordinary folk like myself. I hope that you will give your options much careful consideration.¡É With this, the priest took his leave of Minbu.
¡¡¡¡The priest then made his way to Yamagata, where he met with Ujiie Owari no Kami and recounted all that had passed. Owari no Kami received this news with great pleasure, and, leaving the priest at his home, he went forth with Sōgyū to present himself before Lord Yoshiaki. Given a detailed account of the sentiments of the Satomi brothers, his lordship was in no small measure gratified, and he immediately summoned the priest and presented him with ten silver coins as a preliminary reward.
¡¡¡¡His lordship then penned Minbu a courteous letter in his own hand and entrusted it to the priest, who proceeded with all haste to Minbu¡Çs residence. There he spoke to Minbu, saying, ¡ÈWhen I informed Owari no Kami in confidence of the matter of which we spoke recently, Lord Yoshiaki, who has heard tell of your valor in battle, was most pleased, and he bade me immediately bring you a letter written in his own hand.¡É The priest drew out the scroll containing Lord Yoshiaki¡Çs message and handed it to Minbu, who reverently raised the epistle thrice to his head. He then unrolled the scroll to read the message, which ran as follows:
¡¡¡¡¡ÈIn response to Mitsukane¡Çs attempted act of treason against myself, I have raised an army to exact vengeance upon him. I do not welcome the thought, however, of the ordinary folk of the region being forced to flee their habitations to avoid a battle, and it was as I was considering my path forward that I came to hear of your true feelings towards Mitsukane, news that I welcome with great pleasure. If you will prove yourself a faithful servant to me by slaying Mitsukane forthwith, I will confer upon you the territory ruled by Mitsukane in its entirety.¡É
¡¡¡¡Minbu rolled up the letter after he had finished his perusal, and he turned to the priest. ¡ÈIt is you alone I have to thank for acquainting Lord Yoshiaki with that which lies within my heart, and for conveying to me this letter in his lordship¡Çs own hand,¡É he said, presenting the priest with ten rolls of white cloth as a measure of his gratitude. ¡ÈI will inform my brother Kuranosuke of what I intend to do,¡É he continued, ¡Èand if he refuses to fall in with me, I will slay him with my sword, and then I will kill Mitsukane. To offer me counsel in this endeavor, I hope that Lord Yoshiaki will see fit to dispatch to my side one of his trusted retainers.¡É
¡¡¡¡The priest returned to Yamagata with Minbu¡Çs request, to which Lord Yoshiaki readily acquiesced. His lordship summoned Yagashiwa Sagami no Kami, who was the son-in-law of Owari no Kami, and explained to him his commission.
¡¡¡¡¡ÈGo forth to Kaminoyama and give Minbu the counsel he requires,¡É his lordship said. ¡ÈIf Mitsukane should happen to hear of Minbu¡Çs defection and attempt to flee, maintain contact with Minbu, and wherever Mitsukane may go, make sure that you find and kill him. We must not allow your true purpose to come to light before this matter is brought to a successful resolution, so let it be known to your associates that you travel to Kaminoyama to treat your ills in the healing waters of the hot springs there.¡É
¡¡¡¡Sagami no Kami accepted the assignment given him, and, speaking of the matter only with Owari no Kami, he informed his other family members and associates that he had been granted some time to seek a hot-spring cure for an ailment, so none in Yamagata were aware of the plotting of Minbu.
¡¡¡¡Upon his arrival, Sagami no Kami met with Minbu, and the two men took counsel together. They subsequently summoned Kuranosuke to inform him of what Lord Yoshiaki wished them to do, but upon hearing what they had to say, Kuranosuke grew pale with anger.
¡¡¡¡¡ÈYou may ask me to accept such a commission, but I, Kuranosuke, have no capacity for such treachery,¡É he retorted as he rose to his feet. In accordance with the arrangements that had been made to deal with this eventuality, a number of powerful young men quickly emerged from the adjacent chamber, confronting Kuranosuke and slaying him with their swords.
¡¡¡¡¡ÈIf we are slow to act, Mitsukane may hear of what has happened and attempt to escape. Let us steal into his quarters and kill him tonight.¡É
¡¡¡¡With the two men in agreement, Minbu summoned a samurai by the name of Satake Heinai, a member of Mitsukane¡Çs personal retinue who had regular access to his master¡Çs home. When privately asked for his assistance, Heinai consented without demur, signing an oath that he would not betray his word. After arranging that he would leave the courtyard garden door unlatched that evening, which would allow Minbu and Sagami no Kami to gain entrance into Mitsukane¡Çs quarters and easily slay their target, Heinai was allowed to return to his post.
¡¡¡¡In the dead of night, the two men slipped into Mitsukane¡Çs residence with their men, and they easily slew the man they had come to kill. When day broke and the news of Mitsukane¡Çs death spread, his personal attendants and other vassals were thrown into confusion. It was then that an envoy arrived with a message from Minbu.
¡¡¡¡¡ÈMitsukane dared to rise in revolt against the Mogami clan, and for this it was decreed by Lord Yoshiaki that he would suffer the punishment of death. Kuranosuke was a party to this treachery, and yesterday, he paid for this with his life. It is fortunate, however, that Yagashiwa Sagami no Kami, an emissary of Lord Yoshiaki, has occasion to be at my residence, and I command that all of you surrender to him without delay. Any who resist will be swiftly put to death.¡É
¡¡¡¡¡ÈWhat choice do we have?¡É Mitsukane¡Çs men asked each other, and there was much dissent about what should be done. Yet there was no denying that Mitsukane was dead. Kuranosuke – on whom they had depended for everything – was also slain, and Minbu had turned to the other side. With no one to lead them in battle against the Mogami force or help them defend their castle, the soldiers found themselves left with no choice but to hasten to Minbu¡Çs residence to offer themselves in surrender.
¡¡¡¡The matter thus successfully concluded, Sagami no Kami returned to Yamagata Castle to give Lord Yoshiaki a detailed account of all that had passed. Greatly pleased, his lordship summoned Owari no Kami. ¡ÈIn this most recent affair, you have truly outdone yourself,¡É his lordship said, rewarding Owari no Kami with an increase in his landholdings.
¡¡¡¡Soon afterwards, Minbu also arrived in Yamagata to express his gratitude to Lord Yoshiaki for the opportunity that had been given him, and he was granted his promised reward of Mitsukane¡Çs estate of 18,000 koku. His lordship then commanded him to, ¡ÈReturn to Kaminoyama without delay, and find Kuranosuke¡Çs children and kill them.¡É
¡¡¡¡Left with no other recourse, Kuranosuke¡Çs wife went into hiding, with a foster sister to attend to her needs, in a small hamlet of the region, where she placed Kuranosuke¡Çs two-year-old son on her knee and mourned day and night for the fallen father of her child. However, when Minbu returned to Kaminoyama, proclaiming the concealment of Kuranosuke¡Çs son a punishable offense and offering a rich reward to anyone with information as to his whereabouts, Kuranosuke¡Çs wife was forced to flee the region entirely, and she sought refuge at the Anyōji Temple in Narisawa. The head priest there was a warm-hearted man who gallantly agreed to help her in her trouble, and he quietly took the child over the mountains and into Sendai, placing the child in the keeping of some kinsfolk there.
¡¡¡¡The years passed, and the child grew into a man determined to seek vengeance for his father¡Çs death. He stealthily entered Yamagata in an attempt to take Minbu¡Çs life, but when he was foiled by Minbu¡Çs vigilance, he sought to appease his disappointment by slaying a large number of those who had colluded with Minbu in the campaign against his father Kuranosuke. He acquitted himself most exceptionally in this exploit, and was subsequently summoned to the service of Lord Date Masamune, taking part in the Siege of Osaka where he performed several valorous feats befitting an officer of rank. However, he later became embroiled in a legal dispute with some farmers, and dismissing the arbitration of the provincial court as unjust, he left the region of Sendai. He went forth to the Kishū domain, where he took the name Satomi Kanshirō and assumed the position of his new master¡Çs flag commissioner. At the time of this writing, he should be in his seventy-fifth or seventy-sixth year.
